Millennials Case Study - Casper


A few weeks ago, we started discussing the impact that Millennials are having on retailers, and what they and other brands are doing to attract this customer as well as reaching out to older customers with the ‘Millennial Mindset’.

A visually aware generation with a buying strength set to exceed that of the Baby Boomers, they have expectations of quality, value, speed and convenience; traits that are increasingly important to consider in a market where customer loyalty is declining.

Beginning with online brands, we love Casper, an American brand specialising in high-quality mattresses and bedding. With a very tight range of premium and innovative products they have ‘disrupted’ this somewhat staid product category with the support of an engaging social media and marketing strategy.

Casper have a beautifully designed website, contemporary photography, fun illustrations and clean design throughout. They have a strong, simple brand identity combined with an appealing sense of humour that is carried across both the website and social media platforms, that gives the brand a human quality that customers relate to. In so doing they are able to make items as mundane as mattresses, sheets and pillows seem new and exciting.


Images from Casper's own website: